well, technically that's true. However they would not be able to link
it into the proprietary operating system and then distribute it without
violating the GPL.
So the only ways to put reiserFS on (say) Win2K would be to:
- Pay for and get a separate, non-GPL license from Hans Reiser and
his team, which is perfectly legitimate for them to do as the
copyright holders,
- or, implement it in _user-space_ as an entirely GPL'ed application.
Obviously this second option would be difficult, I don't know
if Win2K supports user-space filesystems at all. At the least, it
would have negative performance and reliability implications...
- or, do whatever you want but never distribute it at all.
Not to speak for Mr. Reiser, but I believe that's what he meant when
he said it's free for use with free operating systems only.
Finally, that second option could be even more difficult... I hear
MS has recently changed the terms of their C run-time-library license
to forbid use by GPLed code. If so, you'd have to use a different C
library for Windows...
Torrey Hoffman
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