I started reading on <http://cryptome.org/ms-drm-os.htm>. Jugding
from the abstract there is not very much (or nothing at all) that can
be reused. Perhaps the body provides more insight.
> The whole idea however remains impractical, so even if it does pass into
> law, it would be largely irrelivant to any marginally competent geek.
I tend to agree...
> What the music industry fails to understand, is that the music doesn't sell
> because it is bad. No amount of controls can compensate for that. Garbage
> in, Garbage out...
I don't agree.. Music (and movies) sells, probably even better today
than before the inernet. They sell enough to have that power to pass
new laws and they are greedy.
> Maybe they should go back to vinyl records that play on
> wind-up players with rose thorn pickups. That will instantly make music
> recordings incompatible with all CD equipment and nobody will want to copy
> it...
So the music industry can move itself 30 years back, but why do they insist
of taking the computer industry to that journey?
-- Itai
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