I sent this out a heart beat early.
To totally clarify the very last part, this a standing offer of PEACE.
So if it is not accepted, the offer still stands. Since I will most
likely be migrating into other storage areas, the object and goal of
"Taskfile" was to leave and infrastructure which totally described the
sub-system in closed form. I had hoped to finish it before the transition
out of the development kernel happened but oh well, things did not work
out as planned.
If Martin will permit I will fix the transport, otherwise I can not tied
to it. This will require him forcing the BLOCK layer to be modified per
the model that Suparna and I co-authored. This will benefit many other
The closing point is that I can flush the ego, and work w/ Martin.
He has a strong and weak suit just as I do. The difference and benefit is
they oddly compliment.
Your serve Martin, volley up.
Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group
On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Andre Hedrick wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Since you are so knowledgeble about ATA, I am shocked that such as simple
> >
> > Where did Martin ever claim that ?
> Recall his comments during the clean up stages of where he had studied
> many other OS's ATA/ATAPI sub systems. This clearly indicates one has or
> is presenting themselves withe a deep understanding if the issues. One
> should recall the comments of comparing "taskfile" to MS Windows API.
> Since he has clearly pointed out the useless nature of the IOCTL and
> removed it in 2.5, he must have a better means of diagnotsics and testing
> than the rest of the industry. So I am waiting on pins and needles for
> this evolution to reveal itself.
> > > concept and a requirement of WHQL (Windows Hardware Qualifications Lab)
> > > tool kit is not in the front of you mind. Do yourself a favor, and go
> > > learn about the hardware and what the REAL CUSTOMERS are requiring of it
> > > and then come back to play. You are truly showing your total lack of
> > > knowledge of the global hardware industry.
> >
> > He's trying to learn. Imagine if learning to drive consisted of someone
> > with a megaphone telling you you'll fail and doing nothing but laugh when
> > you crash ?
> >
> > Now why do you think it'll work any better for IDE ?
> Point taken and agreed, so as long has Mr. Dalecki will agree to a point
> of peace, we can move forward. Obviously there is much about the top
> layer interface to the kernel that is not significant to me at this point,
> and he has a stronger grasp than I have an interest. However the mockery
> of my knowledge of the physical/host transport is not acceptable. I am
> perfectly will and agreeable to grant and give him the respect deserved,
> but I also expect and require the same.
> Regards,
> Andre Hedrick
> LAD Storage Consulting Group
> -
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