> Trond: can you please tell me in short, what the common case
> (or your guess) is why I see this stale file handles on the
> client side. I am going to try and find out myself what the
> problem with reiserfs is here, it gets a bit on my nerves
> now. Do you suspect the fs to drop some inodes under the
> nfs-server?
Hold on thar: are you using nfs-server (a.k.a. unfsd) or are you using
The client will only return ESTALE if the server has first told it to
do so. For knfsd, this is only supposed to occur if the file has
actually been deleted on the server (knfsd is supposed to be able to
retrieve ReiserFS file that have fallen out of cache).
For unfsd, the 'falling out of cache' business might indeed be a
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