Hi there,
I try to set up a box without procfs, thus I've to set some kernel
parameters using _sysctl().
I wrote a little quick-n-dirty program to set at least integer and
struct ( or better array ) parameters.
I can set all struct, integer and boolean values with this program
except ip_forward.
Due to the docs ip_forward is a BOOLEAN parameter, so the length of the
value array for _sysctl should be 1.
... but ...
in ${KERNELSRC}/net/ipv4/sysctl_net_ipv4.c I find:
snip -->
<-- snap
static int ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table ...
snip -->
<-- snap
if (newlen != sizeof(int))
return -EINVAL;
snip -->
If the config file for my program looks like this:
3 5 8 : 1
I get ``Invalid argument'' from my program.
If the config file for my program looks like this:
3 5 8 : 1 1 1 1
it works and I have a ``1'' in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.
... sure sizeof(int) is 4 on my machine.
My question:
Is there something wrong with the documentation, and NET_IPV4_FORWARD
awaits 4 integers to set/unset IP forwarding, or is something wrong in
sysctl_net_ipv4.c, or did I understand something wrong, and my program
has to be written in some other kind?
My program itself is in the attachment.
Thanks for every help
If the configuration file looks like this:
3 5 16 1 : 1
(the ``3 5 8'' is due to sysctl.h only for compatibility with 2.0
kernels, and I run an 2.4.16) i get ENODIR.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=sysctl.c
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/x-c; charset=ISO-8859-1
** **
** sysconf.c: Version 0.1 15.03.2002 **
** **
** Author: Frank Schaefer <frank.schafer@setuza.cz> **
** **
** Purpose: **
** For security reasons we decided NOT to enable procfs on our firewall. =
** Thus we had to realize an alternative for the settings of kernel parame=
ters. **
** Also for security reasons this program doesn't take any parameters, and=
all paths **
** etc. will be hardcoded into this program. **
** **
** Files: **
** Configuration file for sysctl: /etc/sysconf.conf **
** **
** Configuration file syntax: **
** - lines starting with a whitespace and lines starting with '#' are comme=
nts **
** empty lines are comnments **
** <#> : integer **
** <ws>: whitespace **
** <#>[<ws>[<ws>...[<#><ws>[<ws>...]...]]]:[<ws>...]<#>[<ws>...[<#><ws>[<w=
s>...]...]] **
** Whereas the part up to the colon is the syscontrol name as described in=
** /usr/include/linux/sysctl.h, and the part after the colon is the values=
to set **
** **
** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=
** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=
** There isn't any possibility to check correct settings at this level. In=
correct **
** settings can cause a complete system crash. **
** **
** Return value: **
** 0: all settings due to the configuration file succeeded **
** n: number of attempts to set parameters failed **
** **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/sysctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* read one line from the configuration file, ignore comments and store the=
name and
the value in the arrays pointed to by name and value=09
INPUT: id - filehandle
name - pointer to name array
nlen - where to store length of the name
value - pointer to value array
vlen - where to store length of the value
OUTPUT: 0 : O.K. name and value contain the next parameter to set
1 : end of configuratin file reached name and value doesn't make
sense */
int readconf( FILE* id, int* name, int* nlen, int* value, int* vlen ) {
char *buf, *buffer;
unsigned char indx;
int v_indx =3D 0, colon =3D 0;
char c;
int *target =3D name;
buf =3D malloc( 80 * sizeof( char ) );
buffer =3D buf;
do {
if( ! fgets( buffer, 80 * sizeof( char ) , id ) ) {
free( buf );
return( 1 );
} while ( ( *buffer =3D=3D ' ' ) || ( *buffer =3D=3D '\t' ) || ( *buffer =
=3D=3D '#' ) || \
( *buffer =3D=3D '\n') );
do {
indx =3D strspn( buffer, "0123456789" );
if( *(buffer + indx) =3D=3D ':' ) colon =3D 1;
*(buffer + indx) =3D '\0';
*(target + v_indx++) =3D atoi( buffer );
buffer =3D buffer + indx + 1;
indx =3D strcspn( buffer, "0123456789" );
c =3D *(buffer + indx);
*(buffer + indx) =3D '\0';
if( strcspn( buffer, ":" ) !=3D strlen( buffer ) ) colon =3D 1;
*(buffer + indx) =3D c;
buffer =3D buffer + indx;
if( colon && ( target !=3D value ) ) {
target =3D value;
*nlen =3D v_indx;
v_indx =3D 0;
} while ( strlen( buffer ) > 0 );
*vlen =3D v_indx;
free( buf );
return( 0 );
/* Set one parameter in the OS kernel
INPUT: name - pointer to the name array
nlen - length of the array
value - pointer to the value array
vlen - length of the array
OUTPUT: 0 - O.K.
-1 - error */
_syscall1( int, _sysctl, struct __sysctl_args *, args );
int sysctl( int* name, int nlen, void* value, size_t vlen ) {
size_t ovlen =3D 1;
struct __sysctl_args args =3D { name, nlen, 0, &ovlen, value, vlen };
return _sysctl( &args );
int main( ) {
int name[5], value[16], nlen, vlen, ret =3D 0;
char cfgfile[] =3D "/etc/sysconf.conf";
FILE* stream;
stream =3D fopen( cfgfile, "r" );
if( ! stream ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Could not read configuration file: %s\n", cfgfile );
exit( 1 );
while( readconf( stream, name, &nlen, value, &vlen ) !=3D 1 ) {
if( sysctl( name, nlen, (void*)value, (size_t)vlen ) ) {
perror( "sysctl" );
close( stream );
exit( ret );
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