Re: smbfs font corruption in 2.5.7

Dave Jones (
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 01:05:59 +0100

On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 11:38:06PM -0000, wrote:
> It appears there were some changes made during 2.5.6 to allow for smbfs unicode
> support. The problem appears any time I mount an smb filesystem, whether in X or
> at VGA framebuffer console. File and directory names show up in a language I
> don't speak. Is there some setting I should change to support unicode now, or is
> this a known problem. I haven't seen this reported yet, so...

Have you tried the "Use a default NLS" option, and then setting the
codepage to something else ?

| Dave Jones.
| SuSE Labs
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