Re: [Lse-tech] Re: 10.31 second kernel compile

Pavel Machek (
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:06:19 +0100


> > > To me, once you have a G of memory, wasting a few meg on unused process
> > > memory seems no big deal.
> >
> > It's not the process memory, and it is a whole lot than a "few meg" if
> > your page size is 2M.
> I forget what an extremist you are. My claim is that
> some processes benefit from big pages, some do not.
> A 16G process needs 2^25 bytes of PTE at 4kbytes/page if I
> did the numbers right. Just populating 4 million odd page tables is a
> pain. I might be wrong about it, but I wonder if just scaling
> up from a working 32 bit strategy gets you anywhere.
> If you want to optimize for gnome, you get a very different
> layout. But Hammer and ia64 are supposedly designed for huge
> databases, routing tables, and images. Our good friends at Intel

Hammer is designed for desktop, AFAICT. [Its slightly modified athlon,
you see?]

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