Re: Linux 2.4.19-pre3-ac1
MrChuoi (
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 14:52:16 +0700
On Saturday 16 March 2002 01:00 pm, J Sloan wrote:
> >Tested with:
> >2.4.19-pre3: OK
> >2.4.19-pre2-ac4: cannot allocate memory
> >2.4.19-pre3-ac1: cannot allocate memory
> >2.4.19-pre2aa*: OK
> >2.4.19-pre3aa*: OK
> I'd bet they are all on the borderline -
> It may be that you are simply exhausting vm.
All above kernels was build with the same .config. So, can you explain why
JBuilder4 can work normally with 2.4.19-pre3 vanilla but 2.4.19-pre-ac.
> What if you make a decent swap partition,
> say 512 MB or so, and try the tests again?
Ofcourse if I have more enough space ;)
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