Re: [PATCH] 2.5.6 IDE 19, return of taskfile

Alexander Viro (
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:55:43 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Andre Hedrick wrote:

> Well why did you not object to the SCSI sequencer in the past.
> Your argument proves that hardware venders will not like Linux and the
> childlike additude of not protecting the hardware. ROOT is a brained
> GAWD that should run for local Politics.

Andre, get a fucking clue. If you claim that your "filtering" provides
any security - you are making fradulent claims. End of story.

Fact of life: process with EUID 0 can bypass your "protection" easily.
IF filtering is useful for some reasons, these reasons have nothing to

Again, by mentioning security considerations among the reasons you
are harming yourself - it's kinda hard to take you seriously if you do
not understand the basic stuff. It's not like we didn't have that
conversation before...

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