[PATCH] 2.2.21pre[234] misreports Pentium II model names

Barry K. Nathan (barryn@pobox.com)
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 00:16:54 -0800 (PST)

In 2.2.21-pre2 through -pre4, many Intel CPUs are misreported in
/proc/cpuinfo and dmesg as Mobile Pentium II's, even when they are
Celerons in desktops or whatever.

In init_intel, the correct CPU name is being assigned to p, but p isn't
being copied into c->x86_model_id. As a result, the name from the tables,
"Mobile Pentium II", is always being used.

This patch (backported from 2.4) fixes the problem. Alan, please apply.

-Barry K. Nathan <barryn@pobox.com>

--- linux-2.2.21-pre4/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c Sat Mar 9 03:58:57 2002
+++ linux-2.2.21-pre4-bknA-2/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c Sat Mar 9 22:31:34 2002
@@ -1232,6 +1232,9 @@
+ if ( p )
+ strcpy(c->x86_model_id, p);

struct cpu_model_info {
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