Re: Network Security hole (was -> Re: arp bug )

Alan Cox (
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 23:27:16 +0000 (GMT)

> > rp_filter is an add on - not exactly default standards behaviour. If you
> > want to make the case that rp_filter = 2 means apply a both way rule then
> > I've personally no problem with that argument
> The rp_filter value of 2 is not support from Linux and

Language confusion - "if you want to make the case" = "if you want to argue
that a value of rp_filter = 2 should in future (after you implement it) mean
apply a both way rule - then I agree)

I'm glad about your RFC1812 cite btw - the number of problems I've seen with
one of the distros defaulting to rp_filter = 1 was large.

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