Changing processor type causes module load errors, 2.4.17

Paul W. Abrahams (
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 13:45:59 -0500

I''m running the 2.4.17 kernel. If I change the processor type from 586 to
Athlon-Duron, I get a number of module loading errors. Unfortunately only
one of them shows up in /var/log/boot.msg. Here's the difference:

With Athlon/Duron:

Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[488]: starting automounter version 4.0.0,
path = /misc, maptype = file, mapname = /etc/auto.misc
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[490]: starting automounter version 4.0.0,
path = /net, maptype = program, mapname = /etc/
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus insmod:
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/fs/autofs4/autofs4.o: insmod autofs failed
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[488]: cannot find autofs in kernel
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[488]: /misc: mount failed!
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus insmod:
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/fs/autofs4/autofs4.o: insmod autofs failed
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[490]: cannot find autofs in kernel
Mar 1 13:18:02 suillus automount[490]: /net: mount failed!

With 586 (this works):

Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[485]: starting automounter version 4.0.0,
path = /misc, maptype = file, mapname = /etc/auto.misc
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[487]: starting automounter version 4.0.0,
path = /net, maptype = program, mapname = /etc/
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[485]: using kernel protocol version 4
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[485]: using timeout 300 seconds; freq 75
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus insmod: insmod: a module named autofs4 already exists
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus insmod: insmod: insmod autofs failed
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[487]: using kernel protocol version 4
Mar 1 13:31:55 suillus automount[487]: using timeout 300 seconds; freq 75

The other errors show up as an inability to load /deb/lp0 and /dev/eth0. I
can't be more precise about these errors because I haven't managed to capture
the messages; I can only try to observe them as they fly by on the opening

Paul Abrahams
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