Re: [PATCH] 2.5.5: compile error in fs/filesystems.c

Olaf Dietsche (
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 08:48:30 +0100

Hi Neil,

Neil Brown <> writes:

> There have been a number of problem reports on linux-kernel over the
> last year or two from people who cannot load nfsd.o as a module.
> Often it is because they originally compiled without and NFSD support
> at all, but subsequently decided that wanted to compile and load
> nfsd.o
> This works for many modules (e.g. filesystems) It is reasonable that
> it work for nfsd as well.
> I thought that the cost of always including the hooks to load nfsd was
> minimal, and worth the consistency/convenience.
> Does that seem reasonable to you?

Ok, I didn't think of that. Thanks for clarifying.

Regards, Olaf.
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