Re: 3Ware Hard Bus Hang 2.4.18 > 220 MB/S

Andreas Dilger (
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:48:25 -0700

On Feb 27, 2002 10:25 -0700, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> Running 4 3Ware 7810 Adapters with the updated 48 bit LBA firmware
> for the 78110, and attached to 8 Maxtor 160 GB hard disks on each card
> (32 drives total) striping Raid 0m across 5.6 terabytes of disk, I am
> seeing about 216-224 MB/S total throughput on writes to local
> arrays on 2.4.18.

Have you done any kind of variations on this configuration to see when
or where the maximum throughput happens? Daniel and I were speculating
about where the 3ware limits are. Specs say 100MB/s per adapter (for
both 6000 and 7000 series), you would probably hit max bandwidth with
2 adapters. The drives themselves are not a limiting factor, unless
you are down to striping across only 2 drives instead of all 8. I take
it you are using the hardware RAID instead of software MD RAID?

> The system is also running an Intel Gigabit Ethernet Card at
> 116-122 MB/S with full network traffic and writing this traffic to
> the 3Ware arrays. All this hardware is running on a Serverworks
> HE chipset with a SuperMicro motherboard and dual 933 Mhz PIII
> processors.

Does this board have multiple PCI busses? Is the GigE card on a
different bus than the 3ware cards?

Cheers, Andreas

Andreas Dilger

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