Re: Submissions for 2.4.19-pre [sdmany (Richard Gooch)] [Discuss :) ]

Alan Cox (
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:29:52 +0000 (GMT)

> function so that >128 SD's can be used. You seem to be against this
> patch because it would mean that you can't just keep handing out major
> numbers, ignoring Linus' "no new majors" decree.

Linus no new numbers decree was irrelevant. You can live in your little
ivory tower if it makes you happy, but everyone else works off the post
Linus devices.txt maintained by LANANA.

Even if your hack reflected the newer table it would still be an ugly hack
for a few special case situations rather than any notion of release quality.
Its a very clever devfs hack, but its still an ugly hack

Do it right, and do it in 2.5

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