Re: [PATCH] Re: [PATCH] IDE clean 12 3rd attempt

Martin Dalecki (
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 20:47:42 +0100 wrote:
>>Since this apparently didn't get through to the mailing list
>>I'm sending it again. This time compressed.
> Pity - noncompressed is better, now only people with too much time
> will look at it.
> There is something else one might do.
> In ide-geometry.c there is the routine probe_cmos_for_drives().
> Long ago I already wrote "Eventually the entire routine below
> should be removed". I think this is the proper time to do this.
> This probe is done only for the i386 architecture, and only
> for the first two IDE disks, and only influences their geometry.
> It has been a pain - for example, it gives the first two disks
> a different geometry from the others, which is inconvenient
> when one want a RAID of identical disks.
Basically I lend toward your arguments. I think too that a bios based
detection is already right and then we have now the ide-skip kernel
parameter which is allowing to exclude a drive from handling by the
linux ide driver anyway. And I think that 2.4.x and above don't run on
i386's anymore anyway.

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