Re: Idiot-proof APIC?
Mike Fedyk (
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 14:49:52 -0800
On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 08:07:47PM +0100, Allan Sandfeld wrote:
> Hi, I just want to share some of my stupidity and my experience with it with
> you.
> I recently had the misfortune to try to put two celerons on an SMP-board. The
> bios correctly ignored the second cpu, but the linux-kernel(2.4.17). Would
> boot almost normally then emit two APIC-errors to the console(error 2 and
> 6?), and shortly after freeze completely. After one of the celerons was
> removed linux was completely stable. Something inside makes me question
> whether or not the APIC people have taken idiots into consideration. The
> kernel should detect two cpu, detect they are not SMP and then operate using
> just one. Not very importent, but correct behavior.
> Anyway for specs the board it was an Acorp 6A815EPD. Proberbly the one of the
> only SMP i815 mortherboards in the world.
Actually, with the correct adapters, celerons can be made SMP safe.
I would immagine that it is hard to detect if there is a adapter operating
correctly from the APIC code...
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