I had so much problem with eepro100 running like a turtle everytime after
reboot, but after switching to e100, the problem simply went away!
[ jchua@fedex.com ]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 22:39:45 -0800
From: Jon <marsaro@interearth.com>
To: Jeff Chua <jeffchua@silk.corp.fedex.com>
Subject: Re: eepro100 slow after reboot
I had a similar problem recently and had to lock the ports down on the Cisco
switch (What I had). Seems that there was sensitivity depending upon which
version of Cisco IOS I flashed to and if I used the eepro (Becker / scyld
driver) or the base (SuSE SLES) e100 driver from Intel. After swaping
drivers and forcing with options= and swapping IOS for a week I found that
e100 works ok with IOS 12.1, eepro worked best on IOS 11.x or 12.1 only if I
forced both the driver and switch. Mind you the system would come up at 100
mbs full-duplex, but when I put load over the wire with ttcp, the switch
would flap until I locked it in IOS using eepro. I also used both SuSE SLES
and RH 7.1, same on all the above.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Chua" <jeffchua@silk.corp.fedex.com>
To: "Linux Kernel" <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org>
Cc: "Jeff Chua" <jchua@fedex.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 8:14 PM
Subject: eepro100 slow after reboot
> Linux 2.4.x to 2.4.18pre1 on both HP LH6000r and LH4r has the same
> problem with the eepro100. Network (rcp) became very slow after warn
> reboot.
> I've tried both with "modprobe eepro100" (10BT) and "modprobe eepro100
> options=0x30" (100BT) and each time after a warm reboot, the network came
> to a crawl. The only way is to cold reset by power off/on the system.
> Here's the card ("modprobe eepro100 options=0x30") ...
> eth0: OEM i82557/i82558 10/100 Ethernet, 00:30:6E:01:A8:8D, IRQ 18.
> Receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling work-around.
> Board assembly 506495-096, Physical connectors present: RJ45
> Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1.
> Forcing 100Mbs full-duplex operation.
> General self-test: passed.
> Serial sub-system self-test: passed.
> Internal registers self-test: passed.
> ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b).
> Receiver lock-up workaround activated.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> [ jchua@fedex.com ]
> -
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