* bert hubert (ahu@ds9a.nl) wrote:
> $ uname -a ; uptime
> Linux newyork-1 2.2.18 #3 Mon Dec 11 15:57:33 EST 2000 i686 unknown
> 6:22pm up 425 days, 1:35, 3 users, load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.01
Linux ns2 2.2.16 #1 Sun Jul 30 21:57:38 EDT 2000 i386 unknown
19:55:29 up 1 day, 15:06, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1569 Oct 8 2000 /var/log/dmesg
No problems here so far, just wrapped. Processes seemed to all handle
it okay though ps now shows some things started in 2003.. :)
> This server is pretty remote and hard to reach, and not sure to reboot
> properly unattended - are there predictions about how well 2.2.18 will
> survive jiffy wraparound?
It's honestly not good to not know how to reboot a box unattended. :)
> Would you consider it worth rebooting for? By the way, this is our second
> most important production server, I'm exceedingly pleased with the
> stability. We've abused it no end.
I'd certainly make arrangements to have it rebooted if necessary. If
rebooting is a huge problem then I'd say just have someone on hand in
case you *have* to.
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