Yep, I understand. When I was patching in rmap12f I had to manually
merge the little bit into mm/bootmem.c and the offset was several hundred
lines. Then I realized just how much WLI's bootmem patch changes.
> > I'm running 2.4.18-pre9-ac3 now to see if I can reproduce without prempt and
> > O(1).
> If you can't reproduce it, I'd like to see if you can reproduce it
> _only_ with preempt. Also, if it happens on stock pre9 (no -ac) would
> be of interest, since that doesn't have Andre's IDE patch.
Actually, I'm going to recompile -mjc2 without lock breaking to see if that
helps. Then try without prempt altogether. If either of those two fix the
problem, I'll see if I can reproduce against the latest kernel from marcello
and your latest patch and merge myself. Heh, I want to keep testing -mjc.
There are so many nice things in there. ;)
> > I have someone else from IRC that has the same issue with prempt+O(1)
> > against vanilla 2.4.17. He should be sending you a bug report soon.
> Now this would be of interest, thanks.
I asked him to cc me so that I may be able to help too...
> Robert Love
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