Re: [PATCH] Radix-tree pagecache for 2.5
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 17:06:34 -0500

> They run fastest when you run each of the dbench forks
> sequentially and have the others stuck in get_request_wait.

One interesting part of tiotest is the latency measurements.
Latency isn't printed by though. I think it's
valueable information (and wish I had it).

> This, of course, is completely unacceptable for real-world
> server scenarios, where all users of the server need to be
> serviced fairly.

Agreed. I'm glad kernel hackers focus on latency too. :)

There are _some_ applications where throughput is critical
though. I would prefer to measure both throughput and
latency at the same time, but am not yet clear on how to
deal with the Heisenberg principle.

Randy Hron

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