Yes, I've seen the big fat comment in include/linux/sockios.h for
SIOCDEVPRIVATE. I can only infer that SIOCDEVICE isn't allowed any more
as it seems it sneakly escaped from the kernel sources.
<executive summary of Krzysztof Halasa's update>
The struct hdlc_device_struct offers under an union the protocol specific
(raw hdlc, frame relay, cisco, pppsync (1)) parameters of the interface.
Those are set from userspace through and an
ifreq.ifr_settings.type of IF_PROTO_{HDLC/CISCO/FR/X25},... resp. which
specifies the size of the expected data (2).
You retrieve it from userspace with IF_GET_PROTO.
Once an interface is configured for frame-relay, pvc creation/deletion is
done with IF_PROTO_FR_{ADD/DEL}_PVC.
(1) Let's forget pppsync and it's revolting games with net_device.priv for now.
(2) ifr->ifr_settings.data_length checking duplication should be avoided imho.
As this question was postponed until 2.5, I'd like someone to state what the
accepted api will be.
Let's hope it's not too much on-topic. :o)
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