Im running 2.4.17 on Asus a7v133 with Athlon 1333Mhz.Asus v7100 pro
(geforce2 MX 400) (with latest nvidia drivers) and XFree 4.1.0
The only problem I noticed was when using framebuffer going from X to
console the system freezed.After deactivating frambuffer the problem has gone.
Best Regards,
Joćo Seabra
On Tuesday 22 January 2002 14:12, Halpaap, Mark (CETA) wrote:
> Hi,
> after applying mem=nopentium as a boot parameter
> I've been able to play tuxracer _for the first time_.
> Prior to this any OpenGL application deepfroze
> the system after 10-20 secs.
> Tried some other Loki-Demos, they run just fine
> now.
> I do _not_ have an NVidia card, it's a Matrox G450.
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