Re: Athlon PSE/AGP Bug

Joćo Seabra (
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:51:49 +0000

I usually play tuxracer,tuxkart ,quake3,gltron (hardware 3d), and other
OpenGL games and never had any kind of problem.

Im running 2.4.17 on Asus a7v133 with Athlon 1333Mhz.Asus v7100 pro
(geforce2 MX 400) (with latest nvidia drivers) and XFree 4.1.0

The only problem I noticed was when using framebuffer going from X to
console the system freezed.After deactivating frambuffer the problem has gone.

Best Regards,

Joćo Seabra

On Tuesday 22 January 2002 14:12, Halpaap, Mark (CETA) wrote:
> Hi,
> after applying mem=nopentium as a boot parameter
> I've been able to play tuxracer _for the first time_.
> Prior to this any OpenGL application deepfroze
> the system after 10-20 secs.
> Tried some other Loki-Demos, they run just fine
> now.
> I do _not_ have an NVidia card, it's a Matrox G450.

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