, once again tks for your compreention and time.
All the guys that took there time to reply me, say Athlon is very good and
cheeper than P4 especially for the Rims Issue.
Well i would like to follow your leads and buy an Athlon BUT and this is my
big BUT: Which main board to choose.
With the pentium i was all safe because ii know intel boards are veryu
stable and reliable as well as the great support they provide. My brother
has a p4 for gaming loaded with ram and geforce 3 and stuff and the DB850Gb
looks great... And we had a problem with a short circuit ( before i bought a
ups system cause its when all happens ) and they changed the boad right a
way. I was quite impressed... no winning nor nothing like that, just gave my
board and recieved a brand new one.
I wanna have a scsi Hard Drive and so i will probably go to cheeta will
spend some money but i think it will worth it.
Though i am thinking about the raid advices.... I will have to study more
stuf about that as that was a solution i never thougth of.
The video card its gonna be a matrox g450 / g550 have to check out the
won't buy modem because i connect to internet thru lan.
So the main question about the Athlon is the main board...
I don't want to load a good machine with a second class motherboard.....
About the ram SOME ONE told me this: "Ram => 1000 mb ram 2x 512 rims
That is an unfortunate amount of RAM. Rather than forcing everyone
to run their OS the same way, Linux lets people with smaller amounts
of memory avoid the overhead needed to handle large amounts of memory.
There are 3 configs:
2 MB to 896 MB (fastest)
up to 2 or 4 GB (upper limit depends on your motherboard)
up to nearly 64 GB (slowest)
As you can see, 1 GB is just barely into the second config.
You might consider instead 512 MB, 768 MB, 1.5 GB, or 2 GB."
And about the vias shipset ANOTHER GUY TOLD ME THISS : "Don't get a VIA
motherboard. Linux 2.4.17 has workarounds for
the two most serious problems, but still... VIA tried very hard
to hide the problems, even blaming Creative Labs for a while"
If i was to change my current options to AMD, the price to pay for the same
amount of ram with be half of the price i am suppose to pay now.
So this option really calls my name....
Please show m some lights on this topics AH and one more thing... direct
both simgle and dual Athlon Boards.... with the money ill save if u change
for AMD who knows,
Tks a lot.
Regards Astinus
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