not likely; its a duron 700 and lm-sensors says < 37 degree celsius with
open case (as it is now) and about 45 with closed case.
anyway, i've created a new fat32 partition where the old reiserfs one was,
copied lots of files to it and diffed them. no difference. i copied the same
files as earlier to the new reiserfs partition and diffed them. no
difference. no other corrupted files elsewhere, as far as i have seen now.
so whatever was the cause of this seems to have gone now (always the same
kernel, nothing changed with the hardware). perhaps the reiserfs file system
structure got corrupted somehow and thus caused this. don't know. if i have
nothing else to do, i'll create another reiserfs partition where the old one
was and try to corrupt some files.
i'll report back if i get corrupted files again. until then, thanks to
everyone trying to help me and sorry for taking your time.
christian ohm
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