And a Happy New Year to us all :)
> > So, my USB tryout is over.
> > This is the expierience report:
> > You should not try to use VIA Chipsets + SMP + USB, that's
> > the worst thinkable idea. It's junk (usb-Part).
> Depends on the motherboard. What one do you have?
..... [ snipped]
> I have a SMP motherboard that requires this (noapic setting). With that
> set, everything works fine including bulk transfers and all other USB
> devices that I have.
I also have an SMP system using VIA. Its an Asus dual coppermine, I
do not recall the exact board number.
I don't have a large variety of USB devices on it. But what I have used
works fine.
This motherboard does have an IOAPIC, so does not require the noapic
One thing of note, there has been a bit of activity in the apic code recently,
you never did say what kernel version this was using, maybe a recent
vintage would help??
Merry New Year :)
-- Jack F. Vogel IBM xSeries Linux Solutions (at work) jfv@Bluesong.NET (at home)
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