I am also looking for stuff NBD related, my first intention is studying
on nfsswap, but I've heard NBD is more efficient, is there any port of
nbd swap in the recent 2.4.1x kernels? I may do an up port is the code
is old, but hopefully something in 2.4 not 2.0 and 2.2 . Thanks.
Pavel Machek wrote:
>>>Anyone know where I can find the latest NBD stuff? Esp. client/server
>>I have the same question. Maybe the user-level stuff is not being
>>actively maintained?
>>However, since we couldn't find current versions of this stuff,
>>my colleagues and I patched nbd-server and the nbd kernel module
>>to fix a few bugs and to make them a little more robust. I'll
>>attach my versions of those files (which I think are derived from
>>Pavel's .14.tar.gz versions).
>Do not comment code by //. Kill if it you want to.
>You added clean way to stop nbd. Good.
>DO NOT USE ALL CAPITALS not even in printks().
>Fix those and patch looks ike good idea for 2.5.
>Look at nbd.sf.net. If you have patches against that, mail them to me. If
>you are willing to co-develop stuff at nbd.sf.net, I guess we can arrange
> Pavel
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