Re: Changing KB, MB, and GB to KiB, MiB, and GiB in

H. Peter Anvin (
21 Dec 2001 20:44:37 -0800

Followup to: <>
By author: Timothy Covell <>
In newsgroup:
> So, the English units were more attuned to nature. The only thing
> natural about base ten is that the majority of us have 10 fingers and
> 10 toes.

And all of us count that way. Oh yes, the English unit is *so*
attuned to nature... this is why we have different measures for dry
volume, wet volume... avoirdupois versus troy weight... oh yes, energy
is measures in BTUs and power in horsepower... what is the conversion
factor between them (it has the dimension of time?)

> Finally, Farhenheit units are smaller so that they make more convenient
> divisions: Eg.

Bullsh*t. They seem more natural to you because you're more used to
them. Anyone who hasn't grown up on the system think that Fahrenheit
is the ultimate in lunacy.


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