Re: The direction linux is taking

Kai Henningsen (
20 Dec 2001 08:49:00 +0200 (Momchil Velikov) wrote on 18.12.01 in <>:

> >>>>> "David" == David Weinehall <> writes:
> David> We'd also kill off all the advantages that the bazaar-style
> development
> Bazaaar-style development ? What bazaar-style development ? Last I
> heard most discussions are held in private and many key people don't
> read lkml.

So? That's never been an essential ingredient of bazaar-style development
(though it can, of course, be rather useful).

And it's been long known that forums for successful projects, like l-k,
tend to grow until key developers look for another forum because they just
don't have the time to follow. It's unfortunate, but not everyone is Alan

But, once a project *has* grown like that, there is usually another venue
(or several) available for those key developers. And remember, this being
open source, everyone who has the necessary basic expertise and enough
time can *become* one of them.

MfG Kai
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