Re: IRC (was: Scheduler)

Daniel Phillips (
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:27:52 +0100

On December 19, 2001 07:19 pm, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Daniel Phillips wrote:
> I've watched with great interest the discussion of IRC for Linux folk
> and have yet to see anyone mention server/network names and channel
> names. I've been on IRC for 2.5 years -- I tracked the Y2K transition on
> IRC despite all the dire warnings that evil impulses were going to shoot
> down the wire and fry the LCD screen on my laptop. So -- just where
> exactly *is* this water that is so fine? mIRC 5.91 and I await with
> bated breath. (Yes, I do use a Windows IRC client -- wanna make
> something of it? :-)



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