Re:[PATCH] cciss 2.5.0 for 2.5.1-pre11

Stephen Cameron (
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:11:39 -0800 (PST)

I wrote:
> Here is a new patch against 2.5.1-pre11:

Having played with it some more, I see it is seriously flawed
in the area of SCSI tape support and locking. I was probably already pushing
my luck a bit trying to make a hybrid scsi+block driver, and now that
there are per-adapter locks rather than one io_request_lock, it's seems
quite a lot trickier (perhaps even impossible?) to get such a strange
beast right.

Anyway, the patch seemed to work upon first trying it, but trying this,
once I managed to get my hands on more than 1 tape drive again,

tar cvf /dev/st0 /etc > /dev/null & tar cvf /dev/st1 /etc > /dev/null

(with /dev/st[01] mapping to tape drives on a cciss controller of course)
would quickly demonstrate that patch has big problems. In case anyone is
trying to use that patch for 2.5.x tree, you should stop using it. I must
apologize for distributing that kind of garbage, I really should have caught
that earlier. That the quickly moving kernel tree makes extensive
testing difficult would be my only and insufficient excuse.

-- steve

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