Re: [patch] raid-2.5.1-I7

Ingo Molnar (
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 18:13:04 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

> Does this have anything to do with the bug I've reported about 2.4.x
> slowing down i/o after heavy sequencial read-only from >=50 files
> concurrently? (see BUG raid subsys)

no. You have a RAID-0 array, while the patch i sent only affects RAID-1.
It's very likely that 50 concurrent reads wont perform well on any device
(RAID or standalone disk), i hope we can tackle workloads like that later
in 2.5.


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