Re: Booting a modular kernel through a multiple streams file / Making Linux multiboot capable and grub loading kernel modules at boot time.

Christian Koenig ("ChristianK."
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:26:23 +0100


On Monday 17 December 2001 23:10, Grover, Andrew wrote:
> > From: Alexander Viro []
> >
> > On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Grover, Andrew wrote:
> > > I don't think multiple streams is a good idea, but did you
> >
> > all see the patch
> >
> > > by Christian Koenig to let the bootloader load modules?
> >
> > That seems to solve
> >
> > > the problem nicely.
> >
> > That puts an awful lot of smarts into bootloader and creates
> > code duplication
> > for no good reason.

I agree, but the problem I have with Initrd is that you could only have
1 single initrd-image on your hard disk / loaded by the boot-loader.

Imaging my situation, I have some removeable hard-disks, changing it between
a large amount of Systems all with individual Hardware-configuration.
(Some SCSI, some ide, and a cluster booting with pxegrub/Floppy-Disks).

With the last relleas of my patch I'm now capable to have a grub menu.lst
looking like:

tile Kernel 2.4.14 Adaptec xyz/ne2000
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.14 root=/dev/sdxyz ...

# Loading SCSI-Drivers
modulesfromfile /etc/modules-adaptec /lib/modules/2.4.14/modules.dep

# Loading Network-Drivers
modulesfromfile /etc/modules-ne2000 /lib/modules/2.4.14/modules.dep

tile Kernel 2.4.14 Tecram xyz / Inter EExpresPro

# Loading SCSI-Drivers
modulesfromfile /etc/modules-tecram /lib/modules/2.4.14/modules.dep

# Loading Network-Drivers
modulesfromfile /etc/modules-eepro /lib/modules/2.4.14/modules.dep

Could you Imaging what work it would be to create an individual initrd-Image
/ Kernel Image for every system I have. Beside this I sometimes have the
Problem that I come to a system never seen bevore and have to boot with my
Floppy Disk's. (I'm now looking forward that grub someday gets capable to use
cd-roms directly).

I know this it isn't the best solution to add a module-loader to the Kernel,
but did you have a better idea ?

MfG, Christian Koenig.
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