Re: Booting a modular kernel through a multiple streams file

Otto Wyss (
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 19:49:49 +0100

> > Well a simple solution would be if Linux supports the multiple streams file
> > format.
> "Forked files" crap _is_ known. And not welcome.
> There is a bog-standard way to combine several files in one - cpio. Or tar.
> No need to bring Apple Shit-For-Design(tm)(r) when standard tools are quite
> enough.
I don't want to bring in any ...-Design if standard tools are enough! If
cpio/tar do suffice, then much better. I don't know if they are simple and
fitting enough to be handled by any boot loader and the kernel. Maybe you could
elaborate more on this.

You have to admit that a multiple streams file format (regardless which kind)
would be a good solution to the booting of a modular kernel. Anyway this format
has to be supported by the kernel itself and in some extend by any boot loader.
So anybody has to write a kernel module for the cpio/tar format and help with
implementing it into boot loaders. Maybe you could give some help.

O. Wyss
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