Re: Copying to loop device hangs up everything

Momchil Velikov (
16 Dec 2001 21:50:23 +0200

>>>>> "David" == David Gomez <> writes:

David> On 16 Dec 2001, Momchil Velikov wrote:

>> [...]
David> Thanks ;), this patch solves the problem and copying a lot of data to the
David> loop device now doesn't hang the computer.
David> Is this patch going to be applied to the stable kernel ? Marcelo ?
>> I've had exactly the same hangups with or without the patch.

David> I've tested several times after applying the loop-deadlock patch and the
David> bug seems to be fixed. No more hangups while copying a lot of data to
David> loopback devices. Post more info about your hangups, maybe is another
David> different loop device deadlock.

Maybe it's different I don't know. Looks like I've found a fix and in
a minute I'll test _without_ the Andrea's patch and post whatever
comes out of it.

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