Tian Tiger MP (AMD760MP chipset) and UDMA ATA 66/100

German Gomez Garcia (german@piraos.com)
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:41:55 +0100


I have a Tian Tiger MP (http://www.tyan.com/products/html/tigermp.html)
that is supposed to support ATA100 harddrives, I currently have 3 UWSCSI
9Gb hard drives in raid0 with the main system, and I'm thinking of buying two or
three big (60+Gb) ATA100 drives for video capturing and editing, I would like
to know what is the current status (in the 2.4.x series) of the UDMA driver for
the AMD760MP chipset. Any experience with this configuration? I currently have
old 40Gb 5400rpm hard drives on old cables, so no way to test it before buying.


- german

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