2.4.16 & OOM killer screw up

Abraham vd Merwe (abraham@2d3d.co.za)
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:14:52 +0200

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If I leave my machine on for a day or two without doing anything on it (e.g.
my machine at work over a weekend) and I come back then 1) all my memory is
used for buffers/caches and when I try running application, the OOM killer
kicks in, tries to allocate swap space (which I don't have) and kills
whatever I try start (that's with 300M+ memory in buffers/caches).



Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.
-- Arthur R. Miller

Abraham vd Merwe - 2d3D, Inc.

Device Driver Development, Outsourcing, Embedded Systems

Cell: +27 82 565 4451 Snailmail:
Tel: +27 21 761 7549 Block C, Antree Park
Fax: +27 21 761 7648 Doncaster Road
Email: abraham@2d3d.co.za Kenilworth, 7700
Http: http://www.2d3d.com South Africa

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