Makes sense yes. I'm not sure how much we can push into user space before
we break back compatibility or lose the needed info/security credentials
to take action but it makes sense when possible.
> > For those of us who want to run a standards based operating system can
> > you do the 32bit dev_t.
> You asked for an _internal_ data structure. dev_t is the external
> representation, and has _nothing_ to do with any drivers at all.
The internal representation is kdev_t, which wants to turn into a pointer
from what Aeb has been saying for a long time. A 32bit "dev_t" is need so
that we can label over 65536 file systems to things like ls, regardless of how
"/dev/sdfoo" is mapped onto a driver
I'm sure that dev_t (the cookie we feed to user space) going to 32bits is
going to break something and I'd rather it broke early
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