Re: [PATCH] Endianness-aware mkcramfs

Daniel Marmier (
Wed, 05 Dec 2001 13:23:04 +0100

Matthew Dharm wrote:
> The speed reduction is going to be minimal. Implement it via macros, like
> it's done everywhere else. If the endianness is one way, the macros get
> optimized away. If it's the other way, then they convert into an inlined
> byte swap.
> Yes, there can be a small performance hit, but it's absolutely tiny.

Approved. Byteswapping some metadata fields has a negligible cost.
I did not post this patch in the hope it would be integrated, but
because Jeremy needed it.

If there is consensus about the "always little-endian cramfs" idea,
let's go for it and please ignore this patch.

Have a nice day,

Daniel Marmier
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