> On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 05:52:39PM -0700, Jeff Merkey wrote:
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "J Sloan" <jjs@pobox.com>
> > > Just to be positive, can you reproduce the problem without nwfs?
> > Yes. The problem shows up on ext2 partitions only.
> I destroyed a hard disk yesterday with 2.4.16, using ext3. A
heavy load
> (compiling The gimp and several other things) and everything came bad,
> didn't work... (for exemple ln -s linux-2.4.17-pre2 linux did a link from
> to linux either using linux-2.4.17-pre2 and /usr/src/linux-2.4.17-pre2.
> > I see this lockup when I have more than one file system mounted at a
time. It
> > does not happen when only a single volume (superblock) has been
mounted, only
> > with multiples. Ditto the ext2 corruption. It only shows up when more
than one
> > superblock is active.
> I had only one partition mounted at the moment (/dev/hda1 on / type ext3)
In my setup, the system starts getting low on memory when I mount more than
one. Could be
related to memory startvation. I am will look at the lockup on NWFS
tommorow and see if I can make some progress with it.
> Just in case : debian sid, gcc 2.95.4, everything up to date.
> We're living in a dangerous world, since 2.4.10...
> Ciao,
> --
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