Re: SENDMAIL Ages to start !!!!!

Adam Schrotenboer (
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 21:02:56 -0500

On Saturday 01 December 2001 20:29, Miguel Maria Godinho de Matos wrote:
> I am having some prblems with sendmail since the second time i booted
> linux.
> I have linux for about 2 months now and i just now understood that my send
> mail deamon takes too long to start.
> this is the log message that appeard when i upgraded linux red hat 7.1 to
> 7.2 for the first time:
Beware of scripts that claim to fix the /etc/hosts file. (Mandrake 8.1 cups
script[confirmed], among other possibilites. one ugly sol'n is to make
/etc/hosts immutable [chattr +i /etc/hosts]. Risky, and needs to be root to
do it. But immutable stops even root from modifying the file. Of course, do
this after fixing it. Also, try fixing it so it is a real domain name. like [or whatever u hope to have as your domain name someday])

I used to have this problem too w/ Mandrake.



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Clint Eastwood - Pale Rider

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