Re: 2.4.17pre2: devfs: devfs_mk_dir(printers): could not append to dir: dffe45c0 "", err: -17
Adam Schrotenboer (
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 20:37:24 -0500
On Saturday 01 December 2001 13:08, Richard Gooch wrote:
> writes:
> The new devfs core is less forgiving about these kinds of
> bugs/misuses.
> > devfs: devfs_register(nvidiactl): could not append to parent, err: -17
> > devfs: devfs_register(nvidia0): could not append to parent, err: -17
> >
> > with 2.4.16 and before the message was:
> >
> > devfs: devfs_register(): device already registered: "nvidia0"
> Who knows what nvidia does? Talk to them. Could be a bug in their
> driver where they create duplicate entries (the old devfs code would
> often let you get away with this). Or again, perhaps something in
> user-space is creating these entries.
As of 1541 anyway (haven't tried anything newer, assuming newer exists), the
make install of the nvidia driver also runs (a vendor sp
script that makes the devnodes. This may also have been put in the
initscripts (mine isn't, but i tend to use the tar.gz fmt, not using the RPMs)
Perhaps there is no check for devfs (likely will be fixed in the next
release, as this is a new situation)
> > Why has this changed, and what is actually happen? My system runs
> > fine.
> You're lucky that the with way you use your system, it still works.
<snip> AFAIK, the nvidia scipt does not make the devnodes persistent (if so,
it's b0rken on my box)
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