Re: HPT370 (KT7A-RAID) *corrupts* data - SAMSUNG SV8004H does it as well
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 11:34:00 +0100

On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 11:58:03AM +0200, Ville Herva wrote:
> - how come anyone else is not seeing this corruption (Abit KT7A, nevermind
> HPT370 is fairly popular)?

A friend of mine had an IBM DLTA drive attached to his HPT370
controller, and this combination proved to produce a whole lot of drive
errors (I can confirm this first hand), which went away after attaching
the drive to the main motherboard controller.
I can't say anything about data corruption though - I just asked him and
he said he didn't know of any, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Sven Riedel            
Osteroeder Str. 6 / App. 13
38678 Clausthal                  "Call me bored, but don't call me boring."
                                 - Larry Wall 
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