Re: Coding style - a non-issue

Daniel Phillips (
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 05:10:26 +0100

On December 1, 2001 04:30 am, Larry McVoy wrote:
> I can't believe the crap you are spewing on this one and I don't think you
> do either. If you do, you need a break. I'm all for letting people
> explore, let software evolve, that's all good. But somebody needs to keep
> an eye on it.
> If that's not true, Linus, then bow out. You aren't needed and *you*
> just proved it. You can't have it both ways. Either you are here
> for a reason or you aren't. So which is it? You're arguing that you
> don't matter. I personally don't agree, I think Linux would be a pile
> of dog doo without you. If you don't agree, back off and see what happens.

If you've been involved in any design sessions with Linus - if you could even
grace them with that name - you know he relies way more on intuition than
process. Actually, far from taking the role of the omniscient creator, he
tends to act more like the survival test. Not that he's short of the
necessary skills to do it your way. I think he does it the way he does it
because it's fun and interesting and, oh yes, effective.

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