Re: 2.4.16: hda9: attempt to access beyond end of device

janne (
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:37:49 +0200 (EET)

> On Thursday 29 November 2001 04:58 pm, M G Berberich wrote:
> > Partition boundary problem in 2.4.16 ?!
> > I just tried to make a mke2fs on my /dev/hda9 and mke2fs with kernel
> > 2.4.16 and it failed with a partial write. /var/log/messages says:

i recently got some of these messages about "attempt to access beyond
end of device" when running badblocks on a partition, on 2.4.15-pre1.
i got two of them, and in the end badblocks said it found 2 bad blocks.
partitions were made with fdisk.
i don't know if it's normal or not, but bothers a little still. mke2fs
went through without errors and haven't noticed any corruption so far.


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