Re: 2.4.16, 8139too not loadable as a module - unresolved symbols

Marc Haber (
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:39:50 +0100

On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 12:31:15AM +0100, Marek Pætlicki wrote:
> W li¶cie z wto, 27-11-2001, godz. 15:08, Marc Haber pisze:
> > on my only 2.4.16 system, modprobe 8139too gives the following errors:
> [...]
> > The same kernel, with the only config change being "y" instead of "m"
> > for 8139too, works fine, and the network interface is useable.
> >
> > Did I do something wrong?
> maybe you did, works fine for me as a module, although this driver
> doesn't want to compile with gcc 3.0.x (as said in another thread a few
> days ago).


> did you do the _full_ recompile of the kernel? (cp .config /tmp;make
> mrproper;cp /tmp/.config .;make oldconfig dep install modules_install)
> or did you just make modules modules_install after changing the config?

I am using Debian's kernel-package [1], and did the usual procedure for
both kernels, that I usually do:
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=3:today.0 build
fakeroot debian/rules kernel-image-deb

This procedure has resulted in a useable kernel .deb package for the
last 18 months, and has resulted in a useable kernel .deb package for
2.4.16 with non-modularized 8139too.


[1] which provides a comfortable way to produce self-contained .deb
packages including maintainer scripts that take care of modules, and the boot loader, from vanilla kernel sources. I repeat:
Using kernel package does not mean that vendor kernel sources are
used, the kernels are built with vanilla kernels from

Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
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