Re: Problems with 3ware 3dm and 2.4.16...

Jason L Tibbitts III (
28 Nov 2001 00:25:49 -0600

>>>>> "NN" == Nathan Neulinger <Neulinger> writes:

NN> When running 2.4.10, everything works fine, as soon as I move to
NN> 2.4.16 though, the 3ware 3dm process no longer works, it claims to
NN> get a ioctl error 'no such device or address'. Interesting thing
NN> is - from the below output, looks like the ioctl worked.

Which version of 3dm are you running? Rumour has it (on that 3dm version 1.10 will solve
this problem. I have not yet upgraded my storage machines, however.
Perhaps tomorrow.

- J<
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