Re: Kernel Releases

Vitaly Luban (
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:13:54 -0800

Dan Kegel wrote:

> François Cami wrote:
> >
> > Dan Kegel wrote:
> >
> > > 2.4.x should continue to use -preY.
> > > There's no need for a -rcY as some have suggested.
> > > All we need to do to avoid messes like the 2.4.15 debacle
> > > is to insist that a 2.4.X-preY should not be
> > > released as final 2.4.X until the pre's been out for a week,
> > > and there should never be any changes introduced into a final
> > > that didn't cook for a week as a pre.
> >
> > I don't see the difference between a -rc that has cooked for a week,
> > and a -pre that has cooked for a week, except that -rc sounds more
> > like "this is *maybe* the next stable kernel", whereas -pre still
> > sounds "beta".
> The difference between "this is *maybe* the next stable kernel"
> and "just another beta" is very slippery. I don't object
> to the -rc idea, but I don't think it's as valuable as all that.

IMHO, -rc is just one extra unnecessary entity and may bring
only some confusion to newbies & extra work for maintaner.


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