Re: Intel I860

David Weinehall (
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 00:18:04 +0100

On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 03:28:03PM -0700, wrote:
> Achim-
> Uh, what exactly do you think you have here? The I860 was a
> completely new architecture that Intel dropped over 5 years
> ago. I've got one running Unix SVR4 in my basement but you
> can't buy an I860 motherboard today.
> (For the record the 860 was a great architecture for the time
> and I'm still bitter that Intel dropped it but that's a different
> story.)

Uh? You're using the word i860 (the processor, I gather) and great
in the same sentence, and not in combination with disaster?! That's
a first... The i960 is fully ok, but the i860 was a pile of crap.

/David Weinehall
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