Re: fdisk file size limit exceeded - 2.4.14

Bill Davidsen (
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 15:07:07 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, wim delvaux wrote:

> After checking the groups, I have found some referenced but no solutions to
> the following problem.
> I have a 2.4.14 kernel
> 1 IDE and 2 SCSI disks (18 GB, 20 GB and 40 GB resp.)
> when I do
> fdisk /dev/sdb (-> 40 GB disk)
> and create a partion of 2GB (i,e. +2048M)
> I get a file size limit exceeded.

I have seen this reported before, and no solution I can remember. However,
it's not a general problem, something about your setup triggers it. I have
partitions of hundreds of GB on RAID controllers, and 10GB of a few 20GB
ATA/100, with no problems noted.

Perhaps someone can give you a clue on this, but I can tell you that it's
not a general limitation of linux and fdisk.

bill davidsen <>
  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.

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